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NamePosition in UBC Dept. of Phys. and Astro.Willing to supervise? (Updated Feb 2025)PublicationsOther academic appointments
Alanah BergmanGraduate SupervisorGoogle ScholarUBC Dept. of Surgery
Hervé ChoiGraduate SupervisorYes – MSc and PhDUBC Dept. of Surgery
Hal ClarkGraduate Supervisor, Honorary LecturerYes – please enquireGoogle ScholarUBC Dept. of Surgery
Cheryl DuzenliAdjunct ProfessorNot currentlyResearchGateUBC Dept. of Surgery
Ermias GeteGraduate SupervisorYes – MSc and PhDResearchGate UBC Dept. of Surgery
Chris JohnstoneHonorary LecturerYes – MSc and PhDGoogle Scholar
Robert KosztylaHonorary LecturerYes – MSc and PhDResearchGate
Samantha LloydGraduate Supervisor, Honorary LecturerNot currentlyGoogle Scholar UBC Dept. of Surgery
Ante (Tony) MestrovicGraduate Supervisor, Honorary LecturerNot currentlyPub MedUVic Phys. and Astro.
Peter PetricGraduate Supervisor, Honorary LecturerNot currentlyResearchGate
Tony PopescuAdjunct ProfessorNot currentlyResearchGate 1, 2
Andrew RobertsonGraduate SupervisorYes – undergraduate, MSc, and PhDResearchGateUBC Dept. of Surgery
Ingrid SpadingerGraduate Supervisor, Honorary LecturerNot currentlyResearchGate UBC Dept. of Surgery
Steven ThomasGraduate SupervisorYes – MScGoogle ScholarUBC Dept. of Surgery